Sunday, April 29, 2012

We Took A Lot of Pictures At the Park Today

We went into the hockey rink at the park today so we could let Koty off the leash

and get Jack some fresh air. (Maybe tire him out a bit)

So much Fun!

There was lots of running

and playing games.

Please ignore the fact that I did not shower or get ready today

Jack wanted to give Koty a stick too.

but changed his mind as soon as Koty tried to take it.

We picked a flower just for Daddy.

which we hand delivered

"for you"

Ben got some action shots of Koty.

Then I got some action shots of him.


We will be going back there soon.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Wyatt & Jack

The last time I saw Wyatt was at his baptism. I planned on posting a blog about it with pictures, but I never got around to it. So here he was on his baptism day, March 4, 2012. He wore the same outfit Jack did - made by Grandma Shirley. 

Jack and I drove over to Rockford last night to visit Paige and Wyatt because it has been over a month since we've seen them! Look at how much he has grown! He is much more alert, can hold his head up, blows bubbles, babbles and smiles. 

I attempted to get some snapshots of Jack and Wyatt, but it is so hard to capture good pictures of babies. So this is all I have...
Attempt 1

Attempt 2

Attempt 3

Attempt 4

Attempt 5

Attempt 6

Attempt 7

 And finally I got one where you can see both of their faces and it isn't blurry. Yay!
Attempt 8 (my lucky #)
 I hope Jack and Wyatt will be as close as Paige and I were growing up. He is lucky to have so many cousins so close in age!
Paige & Me

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday Morning Flapjacks

 This morning Ben and I made some delicious blueberry flap-JACKS.
(Which Jack enjoyed - he ate almost a whole one!)