Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Night

While I was at work today Jack and Ben must have been practicing sitting, because this is what I came home to. Jack can finally sit by himself! Nicole is over right now. We just watched Season 3 Episode 8 of True Blood. This HBO show has sucked us all in. Now, we are watching Across the Universe, humming along to the Beatles tunes. Nice relaxing Friday Night...

Monday, August 1, 2011

5 Months Old

So, today Jack is 5 months old.
Jack was 7lbs 5oz the day we brought him home. Today, five months later, (by weighing Daddy and then weighing Daddy and Jack) Jack weighs 19.8 lbs. His drastic change in size and improvements in skills almost makes it hard to believe that he is the same little boy, but the attachment and love that both Ben and I felt upon his arrival has grown along with every new noise, movement, and pound. (Just look at how big he is in his carseat now!)
Consanants: ma, ba, pfff
There's nothing more joyful than a baby's laughter...

(Chewing... Ben's biggest pet-peeve: people, especially me, chewing with their mouth open, haha!)