Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I've been obsessed with making things lately. I have about 17 projects started and hundreds of more ideas ready to be made. 

Here are some thing I made today...

This was my first attempt at homemade bread: Honey Wheat.

Crochet blanket.

Ben made this for Koty to view the world from a little higher up.

2nd attempt at homemade bread: Beer Bread.

Homemade baked fries.

And, of course, some pictures of Jack! 
(I guess he is technically homemade by me too)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cool Dude

Yesterday Jack and I hung around the house all day while Ben was at work. He started working at Gunnar Electric for a few Fridays and Saturdays. 

Jack was in such a great mood all day! He seemed like a whole new baby compared to the past week's sick boy. I'm so glad he is over that horrible cold. 

This morning I found Jack climbing into the DVD drawer. He loves to open it up and pull out all the DVDs, then pile them messily back in - over and over. This was the first time I saw him actually climb in though.

Looks comfy...

Friday, February 10, 2012

Nicole was on TV!

I was in class, so I missed this. Luckily, Ben taped it for me so I could see it when I got home! Now I can share it with EVERYONE! I'm such a proud big sister! ha

Friday, February 3, 2012

Playing Catch

Jack is learning how to play catch!

This video was taken January 23rd