Friday, May 20, 2011

Babies Babies Babies!

I am so glad I got to share the experience of being pregnant and having my first baby with Adrianne and Kerby. Kerby posted the pregnancy progression pictures on her blog this morning, so I though I would share them too!
November 2010
February 2011 April 2011
May 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Today Adrianne, Kerby and I got together with the babies for the first time since Anna was born. It was fun to go on a walk on such a nice day.
Jack falls asleep pretty quickly once we start moving.
All 3 cousins together at last! Amelia is 3 months older than Jack, and Jack is 7 weeks older than Anna. Anna is 1 month today! It's amazing to see how fast they are growing and developing.
They are all SO CUTE! It will be fun once they start to interact with eachother.
Adrianne taught me how to use the Moby wrap correctly, so once I got home I carried Jack around for 2 hours and he loved it! I rarely used the front pack because my back and shoulders would start to hurt after 5 minutes. With the Moby wrap my back did not hurt! I would strongly recomend it to any new mother.
Ben's Chalk Art on our Patio...

Monday, May 16, 2011


This last weekend was my first weekend alone with Jack. Ben went up to his cabin with his brother and dad for opening fishing. On Saturday my mom and Nicole came over and we went to the JCpenny's studio to get Jacks pictures taken! They turned out SO cute, I can't wait to pick them up next week. Then, Danielle came over and we had a relaxing evening watching a movie and playing with Jack.
On Sunday morning Jack and I followed Adrianne, Karyn and Amelia to Lake Harriet. We took the babies for a stroll around the lake. It felt good to get outside and do some physical activity! Then, I headed over to Karen & Angie's house to start packing up the upstairs.
When I got home Ben was home from the weekend fishing! He cooked us up some Walley for dinner that he had caught that morning. Yummy.

What a nice summery Sunday dinner!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

3 Generations of Mothers

Today was my first Mothers Day! We went to my parent's house for dinner with Grandma Shirley, Grandpa Larry, Karen, Angie and Uncle Mike. We had a yummy summery dinner of steelhead, strawberry & avacado salad, tortelini pasta salad, berry bread, and angelfood cake dessert with pudding & fresh fruit.
It was my Mom's first Mothers day as a GRANDmother...
(& Karyn's too!)

And my Grandma's first Mothers day as a GREAT grandmother... (& Grandma Lois' too!)

Happy Mothers Day :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

An Early Mothers Day Delivery

While Ben and I were drinking our morning coffee, this package arrived...
and the card said...


Thank You Ben :)

Jack couldn't eat any, but sure did enjoy looking at them

Later Adrianne, Kyle, Amelia and their dog Buck stopped by while they were on their walk.

Jack and Amelia got a few short minutes of quality cousin time.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

One Week Recap

This Past week has been so busy! Here is a quick recap...
Friday April 29th: 4am was the Royal Wedding of William and Kate. I caught the end while feeding Jack in the morning. Around 1pm Ben and I headed up north, for the first time since Jack was born ,to visit Grandma and Grandpa Carlson. The drive up went pretty smoothy; we only had to stop once to feed Jack and let Koty stretch. Ben's parents have it set up so nicely for when the kids and grandkids come up! A bedroom is all set up with a pack-n-play, changing table, rocking chair, baby books, blankets and the little lamp even has a dim 40 watt bulb for middle of the night feedings! Saturday April 30th: Karyn and I went to the 50% off closing sale of a little gift shop where I bought a few little things. Paul, Ben and Jack stayed home and relaxed. That evening Ben and I got a little time away while Paul & Karyn babysat. I bought a beer for the first time now that I'm 21! Sunday May 1st: Celebrated Jack officially being 2 months old! On the way home we stopped through Duluth to visit Kate, Richard and their dog Quincy. Quincy and Koty didn't get along quite like I imagined they would... they got into a few brawls that ended in Ben and Rich tearing them apart :( Then, we met up with some of Ben's friends so they could meet Jack. We finally got home around 10:30 pm. Monday May 2nd: 8:45am was Jack's 2month checkup. The doctor said he is healthy and doing well! He weighed 13 lbs 4 oz and was 24" long. That put him in the 75th percentile for both weight and height. He got 3 shots in his legs and cute little bandaids... :) Paige came over to babysit Jack. It was my first day back to work! It was weird being away from Jack for 6 hours, but it was nice to get out of the house and be with people! When I got home from work Ben had dinner made and the table set! I spent the night cuddling with Jack. Tuesday May 3rd: I stayed home with Jack and tried to get some stuff done around the house. Nicole came over when she was done with school and we ordered a pizza for dinner. She showed me her latest painting for school and it is AMAZING!! She is SUCH a good artist. Yesterday was my 2nd day back at work. My mom watched Jack for us while we were at work, so he got some grandma time. When I got home I napped with Jack on the couch for an hour while Ben made us phesant for dinner. It was yummy :) We spent the evening watching American Idol before we fell asleep. Today I was home with Jack again. He is more smiley everyday!