Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Time, Please Slow Down...

I decided to create this blog so I can look back and remember everything that is flying by much too quickly...
For Easter on Sunday, Mom, Dad & Nicole came over with a delicious egg bake and muffins before we headed to Karen & Angie's to meet the rest of the family. Lunch was delicious, as usual. I can never get enough of the green bean casserole! Jack got his first Easter baskets full of toys, stuffed animals, and candy that Ben & I are FORCED to eat. I might go into a chocolate bunny coma... :)

Easter Pic

Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day. Paige came over and we took Jack on a walk to visit his grandma and daddy at work. Two lessons we learned: 1) Do not wear flip flops on a 2-mile walk. 2) Make sure to always pack an extra outfit or two in the diaper bag for Jack (he had his first major blowout as soon as we arrived - very gross!)

I wish I could go on another walk today, but it's too gloomy. So, I'm enjoying some rainy day relaxing and reflecting. It's hard to believe Jack was born 8 weeks ago, and this is officially my last week being a stay-at-home mom.